Here is the list of the many club options at MHSHS. If you are interested in joining a club, please reach out to our Parent Coordinator or the faculty advisors.
Botany club
gender sexuality alliance
film/drama club
k-pop club
book club
mural club
desi club
muslim student association
Newspaper club
astrology club
investor’s club
senior yearbook club
student council
(click here for more information)
Creative Writing Club
LatinX Student union
jewish student union
Black student union
Arts & crafts club
anime club
medical club
dungeons & dragons
coding club
key club
the better you club
young women’s club
rock the street, wall street
Asian affinity associatioN
Photo Gallery
Students and staff experience many events and activities throughout the school year. Bellow are some pictures taken from past trips and projects.
Medical Club
Mural Club
Central Park: Ice Skating Trip
Chelsea Gallery: Art Class Chelsea Field Trip(s)
Central Park: Outdoor Hiking Trip